AI Writing Unleashed: Mastering ChatGPT, Quillbot, and More for Content Creation and Research Writing

Research Writing

Research writing / content writing is a critical endeavor for both scholars and content creators. Let’s explore some indispensable tools that enhance productivity and facilitate excellence in this domain

Understanding AI Writing and SEO Tools

  • As we all know about AI writing tools and SEO tools that we use to write content is very well used for research writing. The AI writing tools is responsible for generating content based on the prompt that you provide. The word “prompt” is used in the specific context of AI text generation tools. In fact, it is the user input to the AI text generation software, and based on the input (prompt), you will get the result. Generally, we do not take the prompt seriously when interacting with the AI text generation tool to get the right output. You must take care of the prompt, and it should be detailed. There are many AI-text generation websites or software programs that generate text that is SEO optimized. However, my main objective for this article is not SEO optimized article but to create the scholarly and accurate content.  

About these tools

  • ChatGPT
    • ChatGpt is the best AI content generation tools at present. It has several advantages over the other AI text generation tools. For example, Gemini, Claudai.
    • Most of the other AI text generation tools are based on the above technology, which means they are using the above tools to generate the text at the backend. At the backend, other AI tools, apart from the above three, are correcting your prompt, or based on your prompt, they are writing the prompt again to generate a specific type of content. That is the reason they have limited scope, and the above three, i.e. ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claudai, have an endless scope. As a researcher, if some text generating tools are very important for you, apart from the above three, then I must say that is Copilot. Copilot is based on ChatGPT.  
    • One thing is very important here. When I am talking about any of these tools I am talking about the paid software. Comparing the free tools are west of time. For example free version of ChatGpt may be your last choice in comparison to the other AI text generation tools.
  • Quillbot
    • QuillBot is, in fact, not a text generating tool but paraphrasing tool. The main task is to rewrite your content to avoid plagiarism. Infect quill bot is very popular and most used tools to paraphrase the research writing and unique content writing.
    • I am also interested to hear from you if some tools is more effective that any of the ones discussed here in the article for research writing or content writing.

In the context of removing the plagiarism, one new horizon is added: removing the AI-generated content. Now, plagiarism detector software is smart enough to detect the AI generated content as well in your research writing or content.

As far as my opinion is concerned, AI-generated content should be allowed in your research writing with two conditions.

  1. it should not be plagiarized, and
  2. the author has to take responsibility of the authenticity of the content.

However, my opinion does not matter; many times it is required to remove the AI-generated content from your article. So, the following three tools are important:.

    • At present, is providing three different types of facilities: you can detect AI content, you can remove AI content, and you can generate the content.
    • As far as detecting the AI content is concerned, is best in this context.
    • The capacity of detecting AI-generated content is almost equivalent to Turnitin.
    • As far as capacity to humanize the AI content is concern it is best. You can easily bypass the
    • The content generation on is subject to lots of constraints. You cannot create good elaborative content for the educational purpose. It may be useful for the person those who are writing short content base on their different requirement.
    • Recommended to use to humanize your content after generating with the AI text generation tools.
    • This is only a humanizing tools.  Using this tool, you can bypass the AI text detector.
    • comes with several other interesting tools that might meet your requirement. That include paraphraser as well. My intention was to include the AI text bypass. So, all three are able to bypass the AI text Generation. The capacity is different, but one thing is common: all can bypass Turnitin.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

Using these tools is not unethical but if you are paraphrasing others research paper so that you can write it by your own name, then it is wrong.

  • So use AI to speed up your writing.
  • Use paraphraser to avoid plagiarism if your writing is creative and serves different objective and is novel in nature, but in some places you have to quote the well written work of others or you have to write a review of literature.

Believe me, they are highly necessary skills in the modern world. The next I will discuss how to use the above AI tools to write the Review of Literature.

Thanks for your valuable time to read the article.

Suggested article: QuillBot: an AI paraphrasing tool and much more – Click Virtual University (


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