Category: English


    Dr. G. RAMAN 1* ( Department of English at Sambhram University, Jizaxx, Uzbekistan MR. G. LAKSHMANAN 2 * ( Department of English at Sri Malolan College of arts and science, Madurantakam, Chennai ABSTRACT The main concern of Indian women’s literature is the depiction of women struggling for liberation and facing mental states. Conflict is an…


    MR. G. LAKSHMANAN 1 * ( Department of English at Sri Malolan College of arts and science, Madurantakam, Chennai. Dr. G. RAMAN 2* ( Department of English at Sambhram University, Jizaxx, Uzbekistan. Abstract Toni Morrison is one of the most significant modern American writers, having published nine books. Among her early works, Tar Baby, her…

  • Teaching English management skills in the classroom

    For ESL/EFL teachers, managing their classrooms can be difficult because of a variety of factors. However, one important aspect of class management remains constant: the desire to communicate in English. This article discusses the class management issues that arise in most ESL/EFL settings in some form or another. A number of recommendations are also made…

  • What is the best way to teach English using newspapers?

    English using Newspapers: Newspapers and magazines are required in all classrooms, including those for beginners. Newspapers can be used in the classroom in a variety of ways, from simple reading exercises to more complex writing and answering tasks. Here you will find suggestions for using newspapers in the classroom, organised by linguistic goals. Read Simple…

  • Can Google Translate assist you in teaching English?

    Consider this: You are teaching English to a group of other language speakers despite the fact that you do not speak other language. Present tense is a difficult concept to grasp for members of the group. What are your options? So far, most of us have done our best to explain things in plain English…

  • Is it necessary for students to only speak English in class?

    Here’s an apparently simple question: Should an English policy be implemented only in the English class room? Your gut reaction could be, yes, only English is the only way for students to learn English! There may, however, be some exceptions to this rule. First, consider some of the arguments advanced in support of a classroom-only…