Dr. Nikhat M Hamza – Director-HR, Presidency University
Certified Thomas PPA Practitioner! basically, she has 2 decades of experience in various senior positions with industries like Drip Irrigation, Automobile, Casting, Software, and Education. Working as Director HR & FTA
She is playing a vital role in Organization Transformation, Organization Development, Recruitment, Appraisal, KPI, training, Payroll, onboarding, exit formalities, Labour Law, research improvement, organizational behavior, employee engagement, retention policies, Data analytics, Conflict management. Worked with UGC, NAAC, NBA, NIRF, IQAC. She is also authored one book “Corporate Sweet & Salt” available on kindle and recipient of the Sushma Swaraj Stree Sakti Award 2020.
The office is our second home. We spend years together more than nine to ten hours daily. This is the second home for professionals. They get connected emotionally and professionally while working. It is natural to have a difference of opinion among the members. This many times also leads the employee towards the decision of quitting. The employer feels like the employee has betrayed them. Actually, many times it is not that they have betrayed the management, it is a circumstantial decision.
Departing is not good, hence instead of taking it negative make it very smooth and happy, lets’s say we think it in a positive way, the employee joins some other organization where he will learn new things, but at the same time he/she will realize what was good in previous organization and organization will get a chance to know about the work of the employee.
Employees are your brand ambassador the word of mouth spread through them leave an image in the market. Take care of your employee they will take care of you and your company. Companies who take the resignation of employees as betrayal, lose their efficient employees forever because then employees will never feel like returning.
If you do not wish to lose your employee address their issues immediately whether small or big, sometimes small issues also force people to take big decisions. Don’t think they have betrayed you, think about why they had to take this decision and what went wrong. If they are good performers counsel them and try to retain them. Even if they do not change decisions, you will make a permanent impression about “you care for them” this will always keep your employees connected with you, they will care about the organization even after leaving the organization.

Whenever you have the requirement, make sure you try calling your ex-employees if they wish to return back, it will give positivity to your existing employee that their work is valued, they are valued in addition to this the ex-employee will not only save the cost of hiring he will bring in many new ideas. There is the scope for new collaborations, business & exchange of ideas when you remain in touch with your ex-employees. Your employees should feel accepted as members of the family, employees want to feel belongingness in the workplace, and creating a sense of belonging in the workplace leads to greater on-the-job effort and improvement in the performance of the employee. You just have to involve them make them part of the team bring everyone together and tell them we care for you. Assure them no matter whatever problems or issues they have Heads & HR to address them, they will be treated unbiased and equal.
There are many factors
After covid, there have been a lot of changes in the behavior of the people earlier their professional life was important for them now it is their personal and social life. Having flexible HR policies keeps the work culture light at the same time it should not hamper productivity. Not everyone works for many, few may be working for self-respect those few are assets of the organization.
Changes in the human behavior of the people are impacting the working culture, HR has to come up with all new ideas and regulations, and understand their people. Convey the employees that doors are always open for them and keep connected with them. Like student alumni association is important same way HR alumni association should be important with their employees.
Maintaining harmony in the organization is very important for good productivity & positivity this should be both way employee & employer.
Everyone who has joined the bond to leave one day, we just have to accept in a positive way and keep things smooth.