Your résumé is being judged by more than just your peers. It must also increasingly overcome bots that screen away irrelevant or inappropriate submissions, particularly if you are applying to international firms.
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Nearly 99 % of Fortune 500 companies, according to Jobscan, utilise applicant tracking systems to scan resumes and speed the recruiting process. Smaller businesses are also using the software.
How can you ensure yourself to clear this critical initial obstacle, or ‘pehla padhaav’ in KBC parlance?
Here are some suggestions.
Avoid abbreviations and respect to the format

No matter how great your resume is, it will be completely disregarded if it is not in the appropriate format.
Applicant tracking systems scan resumes from left to right. Thus, if an applicant submits a resume with vertical columns, almost half of the material may be overlooked. It is ideal to follow a classic format that includes horizontal headings and bullet points.
Verify the format of your resume file. The majority of web apps indicate the file types they accept (such as PDF, DOC, HTML). If this is not mentioned, send your résumé using Microsoft Word. Practically all scanning software recognises Word.
Additionally, it is recommended that you avoid using acronyms on your resume, as certain systems will not grasp what the letters mean.
Consistently incorporate keywords
Because applicant tracking systems scan resumes for relevant talents, it is a good idea to include at least three to five keywords from the job description in your work experience and skills sections. Tools such as Skillsyncer or Jobscan can be used to find keywords that are missing from your resume. Conduct research on the company you’re applying to, and customise your resume accordingly.
If you require assistance, do not be afraid to contact Human Resources.
If you require assistance, do not leave your fate in the hands of the bots. Make an appointment with the recruiting manager.
Employers have a variety of reasons to choose who gets a job offer, including racial or gender preferences and who will be better accepted by the workforce. The software simply accommodates those preferences. The guidelines on how and when to exclude an applicant are written by them.
Determine who the decision-maker is and send your resume along with a quick letter ensuring that it is in the proper format. This simple act of initiative may aid in your job search.
“If, on the other hand, you submit a resume in an illogical or unsuitable manner, your application will be ignored and your tilent will not work.”
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